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Welcome to the Sild Empire

Here you can hear all about sild and its many uses.3896

Have you ever worshipped the Sild?
Go and sign the guestbook, the guestbook form is found on the : about sild (construction) page.
if your confused, dont be, the reason is, is that it wont let me change the page title for some reason!
go to the whats new page to join or log in at the community with official sild chat and message board.

Sild worshipping is a dying tradition and there are many areas in the bible which indicate that sild is the messiah e.g. the feeding of the 5000 with the loaves and the Sild, check it cos its in there, although unfortunately there were no tins back then !

In the bible it also says that we should not worship false idols, but it doesnt actually say what the original idol is, I know as a fact that the original idol is the Sild, just look at the christian symbol of the fish (see, hahah )
Also in the bible it says that Jesus is going to make you all "fishers of men", fishers of what I hear you cry ! must be fishers of sild !
Another point, in the bible there is a whole section about Noah's Ark, My point is, is that Sild doesnt need to get on board the ark because it could swim in the seas, the reason why the world was flooded was because God wanted to give sild more swimming space and freedom !

Sild Worshippers must unite



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