Guestbook for
Name:Jim West of the high sild order
Where are
you from:
Comments: Push craig about a bit for his blasphemy. And let this be a warning to any members of the sild community who may be even thinking about blapshmey
When did you discover sild ?A short while ago
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?I had no life before sild
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)Mosher
July 4, 2000 08:32:12 (GMT Time)

Name:Mark G
Where are
you from:
The opposite of north of Britain
Comments:Sild is BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!1
When did you discover sild ?
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)
July 1, 2000 15:15:06 (GMT Time)

Name:David Croucher
Email:I'm not quite sure
Where are
you from:
Southern England
Comments:Sild is very big part of my life these days and I worship it a great deal.
When did you discover sild ?about three months ago
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?yes
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)what the bloody hell does mosher mean?
July 1, 2000 14:23:05 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
When did you discover sild ?LAST NIGHT UNDER ME PILLOW
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?FUCK U
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)POOFLAPPERSHAG
June 26, 2000 10:22:58 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:Help! The community is down for two hours! Help me! I can't cope and my head's about to expl- BANG! [stops typing due to lack of head]
When did you discover sild ?
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)
June 26, 2000 09:31:14 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:Check out the community - Go to the Whats New Page and click on the Community link.
When did you discover sild ?
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)
June 19, 2000 14:08:54 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
When did you discover sild ?
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)
June 19, 2000 14:05:31 (GMT Time)

Name:Ed's Cat
Where are
you from:
Ed's house
Comments: I may be a cat, but I know my sild, my furry little life has been turned around ever since I drank those gracious juices found in sild tins, Praise god for sild !
When did you discover sild ?at ed's house
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?after discovering sild, my previous life(s) are as if they never existed
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)Cat
June 19, 2000 09:43:15 (GMT Time)

Name:John worthington-smythe
Where are
you from:
A small fishing trawler in the North sea
Comments:I have been a sild lover for many years now, but I have always been too scared to reveal my true nature to friends and family. Thanx to your site, I have found that I am not the only sild lover. I have now met many new sild-loving friends and I have the confidence to shout out loud, "I love Sild!". Your site has set me free...I'm so happy I can be myself!
When did you discover sild ?When I was 13 and I found my dads secret supply under his bed
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?My world revolves around it...
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)Waster
June 16, 2000 22:39:24 (GMT Time)

Email:thats classified
Where are
you from:
the redemption chamber
Comments:I have been forced of the false idol of tuna, and then after a small time in the redemption chamber have been force feed to accept the sild (although the tuna is still fine... on the odd occassion)
When did you discover sild ?
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)
June 16, 2000 21:26:44 (GMT Time)

HomePage:under construction babies
Where are
you from:
the deep dark depths free from the angry sild that is trying to murder me
Comments:oh mighty, victorious sild, devour my soul and let me swim free! Get Paid - Click Here
When did you discover sild ?well, thats an interesting story, and a long one too, so if you're sitting comfortably, i'll begin..
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?yeah, i was pissed off when i was unable to fit my story into the box above goddamnit!!!!!!!
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)god of sea-monkeys
June 16, 2000 18:30:16 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:And on the seventh day, God did not rest but, yea, verily He did create Sild. And He looked upon the sild and saw that it was f*cking brilliant! All those non-believers should be shamed, Hooray for Sild, Hooray, Hooray! Hooray for Sild, Hooray!
When did you discover sild ?I did not discover Sild, but the Sild came to me.
Do you believe sild has made a considerable change to your life?Sild has been a great revelation to me and without, I would be even more of a nobody.
Social status? (e.g. mosher, just out of interest)unknown
June 15, 2000 07:58:28 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Formerly Underground
Comments:Wow...its finally here. After much worshipping of the Sild, and being forced to practice underground, we can finally return. Our duty, in the eyes of the Sild, is to make others aware of our religion and what we believe in. We hope you feel the same way too and will become a member. "What do i ghet if I become a member?" I hear you say...Well you get saved. Saved from death by the Sild of life. The One and Holy Sild.
how much do you like Sild?
Social persuasion e.g. mosher (just out of interest)
do you have sea-monkeys?
June 13, 2000 10:05:57 (GMT Time)

Name:Jim West
Where are
you from:
Comments: A fine tribute to the under-rated and unknown world of silddom
how much do you like Sild?
Social persuasion e.g. mosher (just out of interest)
do you have sea-monkeys?
June 13, 2000 09:51:02 (GMT Time)